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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tyra Early Catwalk in Paris

This is a video of some of tyra's earliest catwalks when she first went to paris! When I found this I almost died! seriously! I fell off the edge of my porch swatting at a bug lol!! Anywho I hope you enjoy it!!

Videos tu.tv


All Things Tyra said...

AWE thanks Bertrand!! AND YES when I first found that video I almost died!! (as I stated before) But wow that video was simply AMAZING I don't know how you got your hands on some of those runway walks but *KUDOS* to you and I can't wait to see more!! Im going to follow you and your blog if you don't mind so I can see the videos!!
Stay fierce!!

Thanks, it was truly an unforgetable experience...I only wish all of her biggest fans could experience it so I tried to bring the tyra show to my blog lol! So I am Glad that you enjoyed it!

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