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Thursday, January 27, 2011


First cycle 16 promo I've seen! Feb, 23rd needs to hurry up and get here!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Season 5 interviews

This is a video montage of some media clips that were done while promoting season 5 of the Tyra Show! Some you may have seen others maybe not! Hope you enjoy, Thanks Gaelle!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Tyra and the Paps!

Just felt like posting some vids of Tyra's run-ins with the paps. I love how in most of them she alwasy gives a modest smile, and a soft wave and goes on about her business! Also thoght you guys would like to see her driving for once! Luckily not into a mountain.... :P (Tyra Show Joke)

Tyra: Bet's 30 Movements and Moments

The interview with Tyra is under the tab with Vanessa Williams' picture on it. Click it and the video should start! And if for some CRAZY but understandable reason you don't know which picture is Vanessa's she's the 8th slide! Enjoy!